Submitted by

Kay Cunningham



     Honoring her mother, Mrs. Z. I. Harlan, on her eightieth birthday anniversary, Mrs. Tom Bartlett, Sr., entertained Friday afternoon, Sept. 5, with an informal lawn party.

     She was assisted in receiving by Mrs. F. H. Shaw, Mrs. A. L. Connor and Mrs. T. B. Bartlett, Jr. The guest book was in charge of Miss Nancy Bartlett.

     The focus of decorations for the refreshment table was the birthday cake, elaborately embossed with pink roses and green foliage, and bearing the legend in silver: 1867-1947. Punch was served by Mrs. Hammond Norton of Calvert, with Miss Ann Bartlett, Mrs. Frank Sehon and Mrs. Mabel Dunagin assisting.

     Mrs. Harlan was born September 5, 1867, in Alvarado, Texas, the only daughter of Nancy Elizabeth and Thad Graves, who were also the parents of six sons. The family moved later to Mansfield, Texas, and in 1884 Mrs. Harlan graduated from the old Mansfield College, and institution whose president was the late John Collier who figured prominently in the history of early education in Texas.

     She married in September 1884, to the late Z. I. Harlan, a leader in the Falls County bar until his death in 1911. She came to Marlin as a bride, and has lived here since that time.

     Mrs. Harlan has been active until recent years in the Methodist church organizations, and helped to organize the society formerly known as the Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Church of this city. She is also a charter member of the Delphian Club, now know as the Sesame Club, and though no longer and active member, follows the study course of the club in her reading.

     Mrs. Harlan's children are Mrs. T. B. Bartlett Sr., and Mrs. F. H. Shaw of Marlin; and Mrs. A. L. Connor, of Longview, Texas.

     Among the guests registering in the guest book the following were from out- of- town: Mrs. Lynn Norton, Mrs. Hammond Norton, Mrs. Fannie Hammond, Calvert; Mrs. Van Harris, San Antonio; Mrs. A. Barganier, Miss Maggie Rogers, Lott; Mrs. A. E. Rutter, Houston; Mrs. A. L. Connor, Longview; little Misses Ann Walraven, Dallas, and Donna Beard of Eagle Pass.


Note: Z. I. Harlan also known as Zill Isaiah Harlan is my Great, Great Grandfather.  Mrs. Z. I. Harlan also known as Maude (Graves) Harlan is my Great, Great Grandmother. Mrs. A. L. Connor also known as Carlie (Harlan) Connor is my Great Grandmother. –kc